They call me Gigi....................

Woo Woo Woo...

Thursday, July 2, 2009

So far so good..

Well I have been at my new job just about one week now and I absolutely love it! Do you think it's too soon to say that yet? because that is the way I feel. I am picking up on things pretty quickly and I just want to learn more as the time goes on.

After being let go at JFK and then having to go through all the rejections time after time in places that everyone said "Oh Karen this job is for you" or Karen they will take you for the position" ETC....Please, my self esteem was down into the ground, it was horrible. I have always had great work ethics (thanks Dad) and that is one thing I could always be proud of and JFK and all the other places took that away from me for awhile. Coming to AAS was the first position that really took my resume and looked at it. It was the first place to interview me for more than 10 minutes (I interviewed almost 1 hour) and they were the first place to actually tell me I had great experience and were looking forward to working with me. So, I guess that is one of the reasons I am so happy here to begin with and then of course working with Joyce who is just wonderful period and now I get to work with her.

I am doing pretty good these days. Now all I have to do is loose 50 pounds get approved for my loan modification with my Mortgage company and I will be perfect.... ( I can dream can't I?)

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My Dad's WWII Memorial

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Ayden & Mommie

Ayden & Mommie
Great looking Couple!

My Favorite Words

"Love is Patient and Kind. it doesn't envy or boast and it's never proud, it's not rude or selfish , it doesn't get angry easily or keep track of wrongs. Love doesn't delight in bad things but it rejoices in the truth. Love Always protects,trusts,hopes, and perseveres.

"Love never Fails"

Corinthians 13.4.8

Mommie and Ayden

Mommie and Ayden
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