Well another week has come to an end....Thank Goodness, it was a very long week for me. I don't know why this week I just feel Blah..Blah..and I am sure everyone has their weeks when they feel like that for no special reason or they have a reason and they don't want to share it..(like me)..
I can't wait for "Dancing with the Stars" on Monday..(I told you I have no life at all)...I can not wait to see if any of the stars got any better with their dancing or were able to "Shake off their Nerves"...most of them were nervous on Monday, you could see it "clear as day!!!
I hope to finally finsh reading one of my 3 books that I am reading currently (3 is too many at one time)over the weekend. For now that is my only goal, along with the normal cleaning, Laundry and Church on Sunday with Ayden...
I hope to but we shall see....
They call me Gigi....................
Woo Woo Woo...
Friday, March 26, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Who's winning ?..who's Going First?
So, who do you think is going home first on next weeks show? Or Who do you think SHOULD go is what I should ask...it's all up to the fans I guess...for me..It's BUZZ...he didnt Dance last night, he walked around his Partner...sorry but it's true.I say Who SHOULD go because it's not always up to the Dancing piece of it I think it's the fans that vote. I mean come on, Donny Osmond won last time....I LOVE Donny but we all know he wasn't the best Dancer last season, he was good but not the best and his fans won it for him..
What I like about this season is they get to Dance twice before they are "voted out"...it give people more time to see the dancer...and not listen to the bad press on all of them...take Kate Gosselin, alot of people hate her with a passion, and then there are those who LOVE HER . This is why I saw let the Dancing show what talent they do or don't have. And now to be honest about Kate, she was really really stiff last night and her smile looked like it was painted on, but it was her first time and I believe in giving everyone their fair chance to show what they can do. Because honestly, everyone there last night was nervous and it showed. Well except for Pamela Anderson who I think needs to find another show like "Stripper Dancing" would be a good show for her...Please !
Now the worst for me deserves the last piece of this post because it happens every single season, they always have somekind of Professional Dancer in the Group, or one with the Background. This time they have 2 of them, Evan the Skater and Nicole from the Pussycat Dolls. I MEAN GIVE ME A BREAK...Evan just won an olympic gold medal for his style on the ice, which is not hard to do with out skates because they are trained in dancing on the ice...and then the worst of all is Nicole of the "PussyCat Dolls"...HELLO...try googling her and it comes up "Professional Dancer" this girl has been training since she was little to dance...NOT FAIR because you have her and Evan and then you have Kate and Jake who have no background in Dance and that is the whole concept, to LEARN how to dance like the Pro's..This time I think they went really to far. I hope alot more fans see this and vote her and Evan off...I know I should'nt judge them but Please!!
This looks like a very interesting Season and I know there is alot more "Conterversy" to come in the next 2 months but each week it's better and thats what "Dancing with the Stars" is all about!
Monday, March 22, 2010
I need a new life.....
I need to get myself a New Life...I am so excited about Dancing with The Stars tonight, thats all I can think about. I read in the paper that this is going to be the "Most Watched" show in DWTS history...why? Who knows, could it be Kate Gosslin? or Pamela Anderson? I also think it could be "Shannon Daugherty... who really knows maybe its a combination all 3 of them..LOL...
Who knows what it is but this is basically the highlight of my life at this point....LOL ...I need to focus on other things, I know that..BUT I will start on that after DWTS....LOL...
Enjoy the show...
Monday, March 15, 2010
St Patricks Day of old....
. Well this is week is St. Patricks Day...a day I will always remember for one reason or another. So many things in my life have happened on St. Patricks Day...I don't know why but they do. I had the closing on my house on St. Patrciks Day which is a Day alot of people remember because it's so memorable to own your first home. My Father's mother passed away on St. Patricks (and her parents were right off the boat from Ireland)....My Dad had sent my Mom flowers for St. Patricks Day and because his mom passed away that day my dad swore he would never send flowers again on that day, and he didnt!
It's just a day in our family that we always regonized...my mom always made the cornbeef and cabbage. My
Aunt Maureen made everyone Soda Bread ...mmmm good! I enjoyed watching the parade in New York,
The best year was when Cassandra had been learning the Irish step dancing. That year my mom was head of the Church's auxillary group for Seniors (she honestly ran the whole church) and she planned their annual St. Patricks Day Luncheon and no one was more prouder than both my parents to see Cassandra Dancing for them as the entertainment along with the rest of her Dancing group..she wore the costume and all...talk about happy, if you could only have seen my parents face that year..Priceless!
So as you can see I have a special "Fondness" for this day, not only because I am Irish but because it's a day of "Happening" in our family! To me it's a day that reminds me more and more how important family is...it's VERY important!
Friday, March 12, 2010
End of the week....
Well today is Friday, "Thank Goodness"...I don't know why but this has been a long dragged out week for me. I felt like the weekend would never come. BUT here we are heading into another week. I have no great plans. The highlight of my weekend will be turning the clocks ahead in the house on Saturday evening. Other wise no plans. So when I have "Nothing Planned" weekends like this I try and catch up on my reading, scrapbooking, TV shows I have taped, etc. Believe me a weekend never goes by where I have nothing to do and I like it like that.
My days and weekends are not what they use to be since Ayden came into my life.He drives me crazy, he makes more messes than any other child I ever met in my lifetime, he talks up a storm (well that he gets from his mother who did the same thing starting at age 1-2 years old when she could put a sentence together, she never stopped after that)....so yes, I am now living the crazy life of a Grandma with a live in Grandson in the
house. But the good days definatly wear out the bad days....My weekends are consumed with him as well but I wouldnt have it any other way...
My days and weekends are not what they use to be since Ayden came into my life.He drives me crazy, he makes more messes than any other child I ever met in my lifetime, he talks up a storm (well that he gets from his mother who did the same thing starting at age 1-2 years old when she could put a sentence together, she never stopped after that)....so yes, I am now living the crazy life of a Grandma with a live in Grandson in the
house. But the good days definatly wear out the bad days....My weekends are consumed with him as well but I wouldnt have it any other way...
Friday, March 5, 2010
Memories....some good and some not so good!
I was just going thru some pictures last night and I came upon a few photos of my ex-sister in law Maggie. I really loved Maggie. She was in my life for 11 years and we were close, like sisters almost right up until the end of their Marraige (She was married to my brother Pat) Maggie was one of a kind and I said it then and I will say it now, my brother lost the best thing when he left Maggie...he blew it big time!!
Even in the end, Maggie tried to hold on to her marriage but if the other person isnt willing then she could only do so much. So near the end she was not the Maggie we knew in alot of ways but no one could blame her. My mom got the worst of it from Maggie. She would call my Mom crying to her about my brother and what he was doing but there was nothing my Mom or Dad could do but for some reason Maggie thought my Mom would get through to him and she couldnt but Maggie just kept calling my Mom and pushing until my Mom broke down and told Maggie that this was HER son she was talking about and that she could not get involved because she loved both of them and that she didnt want bad feelings between her and her son. Well Maggie didnt take that well and ended up just giving up.
I knew that Maggie had changed also. Most of the tension between them was due to them not being able to have a baby, that was my brothers downfall. When he found that out is when he went back to drinking after 11 years of being sober...it was sad. But just before he started drinking we all could see the change in Maggie. She hardly laughed anymore, she took things so much more seriously. For instance on Halloween that year I sent out Halloween cards to everyone in the family, Cassandra and I picked them out ouselves.
Cassandra picked up a Halloween card saying something to the effect about her, meaning Cassandra was pregunut...It was a joke, and I can't remember the exact wording of the card but everyone I read it to laughed and laughed...We sent them out and never heard back from Pat and Maggie and Cassamdra really wanted their reaction so she called and left a message. The next thing I know my brother was calling on the cell phone and he was whispering, "Don't call the House Karen, you or Cass for a while, its not a good idea"
I was floored! I said to my brother What happen? He then told me that Maggie started crying when she saw our Halloween card and she thought it was a horrible mean joke to send that card to her and Pat when we should know how hard it is for her not being able to have a baby but we still go and send a card joking around about the subject and joking around that Cassandra was the one pregnant ? She didnt speak to me for weeks. As my Mom and Dad both said In no way would I purposly hurt Maggie in that way, I didnt have that in me. In my eyes it was a joke, nothing more but for some odd reason she thought I was making fun at the situation. My Dad stood up for me by saying "Karen doesnt have a mean bone in her body" LOL
I just don't know why people that you care about and people that care about you think the worst of you. Talk to each other, don't assume or accuse because that is what will get you into trouble....
I have a quote from the bible that I truly believe is true, in fact if I ever Married (which is just about a big joke by now) I would have used it in my vows ..My brother Eddie had me read this verse in church during his wedding Mass:
Love is Patient, Love is Kind, is not jealous;
love does not brag and is not arrogant, it does not act unbecomingly
it does not seek its own, is not provoked, it does not take into account a wrong suffered,
Love never fails...
faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love.
Even in the end, Maggie tried to hold on to her marriage but if the other person isnt willing then she could only do so much. So near the end she was not the Maggie we knew in alot of ways but no one could blame her. My mom got the worst of it from Maggie. She would call my Mom crying to her about my brother and what he was doing but there was nothing my Mom or Dad could do but for some reason Maggie thought my Mom would get through to him and she couldnt but Maggie just kept calling my Mom and pushing until my Mom broke down and told Maggie that this was HER son she was talking about and that she could not get involved because she loved both of them and that she didnt want bad feelings between her and her son. Well Maggie didnt take that well and ended up just giving up.
I knew that Maggie had changed also. Most of the tension between them was due to them not being able to have a baby, that was my brothers downfall. When he found that out is when he went back to drinking after 11 years of being sober...it was sad. But just before he started drinking we all could see the change in Maggie. She hardly laughed anymore, she took things so much more seriously. For instance on Halloween that year I sent out Halloween cards to everyone in the family, Cassandra and I picked them out ouselves.
Cassandra picked up a Halloween card saying something to the effect about her, meaning Cassandra was pregunut...It was a joke, and I can't remember the exact wording of the card but everyone I read it to laughed and laughed...We sent them out and never heard back from Pat and Maggie and Cassamdra really wanted their reaction so she called and left a message. The next thing I know my brother was calling on the cell phone and he was whispering, "Don't call the House Karen, you or Cass for a while, its not a good idea"
I was floored! I said to my brother What happen? He then told me that Maggie started crying when she saw our Halloween card and she thought it was a horrible mean joke to send that card to her and Pat when we should know how hard it is for her not being able to have a baby but we still go and send a card joking around about the subject and joking around that Cassandra was the one pregnant ? She didnt speak to me for weeks. As my Mom and Dad both said In no way would I purposly hurt Maggie in that way, I didnt have that in me. In my eyes it was a joke, nothing more but for some odd reason she thought I was making fun at the situation. My Dad stood up for me by saying "Karen doesnt have a mean bone in her body" LOL
I just don't know why people that you care about and people that care about you think the worst of you. Talk to each other, don't assume or accuse because that is what will get you into trouble....
Love is Patient, Love is Kind, is not jealous;
love does not brag and is not arrogant, it does not act unbecomingly
it does not seek its own, is not provoked, it does not take into account a wrong suffered,
Love never fails...
faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
I have finally made my Decision ....
For a long time now I have had a very hard Decision to make and its been weighing heavy on my mind. I should have made this descion a long time ago but I never wanted to "Deal" with it. BUT after a couple of events in my life in the past 12 or so months I have come to realize that I am not the same person I was when I first moved here some 15 years ago, I have changed. I have changed in alot of ways. I was very nieve when I first moved here, almost "Blind"...I have become very critical, negative since then and I just don't trust people anymore. I didnt come to Florida like that, believe me, but alot of people here have changed my life in alot of ways, some good and some "Not So" good which brings me to where I am today..having to make a Decision
....and very soon EVERYONE will know my choice! and some are not going to like it....and others will be over joyed....
..."Challenges give us the opportunity to reveal ourself to ourself. In the midst of struggle, is it fear or faith that is winning? Who do we trust ?
Stay Tuned
....and very soon EVERYONE will know my choice! and some are not going to like it....and others will be over joyed....
..."Challenges give us the opportunity to reveal ourself to ourself. In the midst of struggle, is it fear or faith that is winning? Who do we trust ?
Stay Tuned
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Stay out of it........................
I wish I could learn to kick myself when I am about to try and help
people..................it never works out!!
People don't appreciate you !!!!
Bottom Line here, I need to shut up and move on down the road!!!
people..................it never works out!!
People don't appreciate you !!!!
Bottom Line here, I need to shut up and move on down the road!!!
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My Dad and Memories

My Dad's WWII Memorial

In Memory of my Dad

My Little Man
Ayden & Mommie

Great looking Couple!
My Favorite Words
"Love is Patient and Kind. it doesn't envy or boast and it's never proud, it's not rude or selfish , it doesn't get angry easily or keep track of wrongs. Love doesn't delight in bad things but it rejoices in the truth. Love Always protects,trusts,hopes, and perseveres.
"Love never Fails"
Corinthians 13.4.8
"Love never Fails"
Corinthians 13.4.8
Mommie and Ayden

Ayden only has eyes for mommie
