They call me Gigi....................

Woo Woo Woo...

Friday, March 5, 2010

Memories....some good and some not so good!

I was just going thru some pictures last night and I came upon a few photos of my ex-sister in law Maggie. I really loved Maggie. She was in my life for 11 years and we were close, like sisters almost right up until the end of their Marraige (She was married to my brother Pat) Maggie was one of a kind and I said it then and I will say it now, my brother lost the best thing when he left Maggie...he blew it big time!!

Even in the end, Maggie tried to hold on to her marriage but if the other person isnt willing then she could only do so much. So near the end she was not the Maggie we knew in alot of ways but no one could blame her. My mom got the worst of it from Maggie. She would call my Mom crying to her about my brother and what he was doing but there was nothing my Mom or Dad could do but for some reason Maggie thought my Mom would get through to him and she couldnt but Maggie just kept calling my Mom and pushing until my Mom broke down and told Maggie that this was HER son she was talking about and that she could not get involved because she loved both of them and that she didnt want bad feelings between her and her son. Well Maggie didnt take that well and ended up just giving up.

I knew that Maggie had changed also. Most of the tension between them was due to them not being able to have a baby, that was my brothers downfall. When he found that out is when he went back to drinking after 11 years of being was sad. But just before he started drinking we all could see the change in Maggie. She hardly laughed anymore, she took things so much more seriously. For instance on Halloween that year I sent out Halloween cards to everyone in the family, Cassandra and I picked them out ouselves.
Cassandra picked up a Halloween card saying something to the effect about her, meaning Cassandra was pregunut...It was a joke, and I can't remember the exact wording of the card but everyone I read it to laughed and laughed...We sent them out and never heard back from Pat and Maggie and Cassamdra really wanted their reaction so she called and left a message. The next thing I know my brother was calling on the cell phone and he was whispering, "Don't call the House Karen, you or Cass for a while, its not a good idea"
I was floored! I said to my brother What happen? He then told me that Maggie started crying when she saw our Halloween card and she thought it was a horrible mean joke to send that card to her and Pat when we should know how hard it is for her not being able to have a baby but we still go and send a card joking around about the subject and joking around that Cassandra was the one pregnant  ? She didnt speak to me for weeks.   As my Mom and Dad both said In no way would I purposly hurt Maggie in that way, I didnt have that in me. In my eyes it was a joke, nothing more but for some odd reason she thought I was making fun at the situation. My Dad stood up for me by saying "Karen doesnt have a mean bone in her body" LOL

I just don't know why people that you care about and people that care about you  think the worst of you. Talk to each other, don't assume or accuse because that is what will get you into trouble....

                   I have a quote from the bible that I truly believe is true, in fact if I ever Married                     (which is just about a big joke by now)  I would have used it in my vows ..My brother Eddie had me read this verse in church during his wedding Mass:

                        Love is Patient, Love is Kind, is not jealous;
           love does not brag and is not arrogant, it does not act unbecomingly
               it does not seek its own, is not provoked, it does not take into account a wrong suffered,

                                        Love never fails...

        faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love.

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My Favorite Words

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"Love never Fails"

Corinthians 13.4.8

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