They call me Gigi....................

Woo Woo Woo...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Hurricane DUD..!

Well today we had Hurricane/Tropical Storm Faye. It was really nothing at all. Yes there was a tornado in Wellington (they think, not confirmed) and alot of rain and wind but compared to Wilma and all the others this was nothing. I guess it was a good "Test Run" but I hope that is all we have for this year. We lost our power at work today and just as my boss was ready to send us home on went the lights..UGH! Talk about big let down...... There is no school today and all the goverment and county offices are closed but not JFK Medical Center..We were so slow in the office that we really could have been closed because we do not deal with Patient Care..Anyway the day seems to be dragging because of the lack of work. I like to be busy because it makes the day fly by. One good thing is that my daughter Cassandra has no school tonight so I don't have to babysit my very active grandson, I can relax and let "Mom" deal with him. As the saying goes "Grandchildren can always be returned to their parents after you spoil them"..It is So true!

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My Dad and Memories

My Dad and Memories

My Dad's WWII Memorial

My Dad's WWII Memorial
In Memory of my Dad


My Little Man

Ayden & Mommie

Ayden & Mommie
Great looking Couple!

My Favorite Words

"Love is Patient and Kind. it doesn't envy or boast and it's never proud, it's not rude or selfish , it doesn't get angry easily or keep track of wrongs. Love doesn't delight in bad things but it rejoices in the truth. Love Always protects,trusts,hopes, and perseveres.

"Love never Fails"

Corinthians 13.4.8

Mommie and Ayden

Mommie and Ayden
Ayden only has eyes for mommie