They call me Gigi....................

Woo Woo Woo...

Wednesday, December 31, 2008


I want to start out by saying "Happy New Year" to everyone.

For me this year has been a long hard one. So many things happened to me that have never happened to me in my life. I was let go of a Job that I loved. Yes, it was stressful but I was working and I worked with some wonderful people whom I will miss very much. We all try and keep in touch but it's just not the same, you know talking about who will win" Dancing with the Stars" or what is up on "Desperate Housewives" and of course the Gossip....That is what I will miss the most. This year coming I am going to be 50 and I was so looking forward to the "Trashing" of my office (Which I did for many of my friends there). As I said, I will keep in touch with them but it won't be the same.

Also, this year we sold my Parents house. This was done basically for me so that I could get out of dept. We did not get what we wanted for it but honestly if we tried to sell it now we would not get half of what we sold it for. So that was "bitter sweet" and I know my brother Matt will miss it most, not only did he live there but he made it his own. He loved that house. I must say one thing I am grateful for is my brothers, they are pretty Cool...and I love them all......yes, guys even Pat.....!!

The best part of this past year was being able to take Ayden up to NJ to meet his "favorite" side of the family. My Brothers, Andrea, and the kids were just wonderful with Ayen and he in turned loved then. Yes, he met is "Great Uncle's. I will never forget Andrea's face when Ayden came up and gave her a hug and a kiss the first time he saw her. It was Katie's Weekend and yet Katie made it alot about Ayden as did Ryan. I have so many wonderful pictures of those few precious days and they are memories I will cherish for ever.

So I will close this blog on the last day of this "Bitter Sweet" year saying "Next Year Will be my Year" as I do every New Years Eve but this time I will really mean it. 2008 has "Woken me up" in so many ways that I know I have to make the coming year "My" year myself. As I have said before, "God gives us the Tools and we have to work with those tools" so to all of my dear friends and family I wish you all a very very Happy New Year..

1 comment:

Joyce's Journey said...

This was a good post, Karen. It has been an interesting year for you, but 2009 will be a good one. This is the year of a new decade, and a milestone one at that. The year I turned 50 was a year of big changes for me also and it was a good thing for me as it will be for you. Sometimes things do have to happen for us to look at things a different way and that's okay. You will look at life differently in this coming year and it will all be new and beautiful for you.

Happy New Year my dear friend.

My Dad and Memories

My Dad and Memories

My Dad's WWII Memorial

My Dad's WWII Memorial
In Memory of my Dad


My Little Man

Ayden & Mommie

Ayden & Mommie
Great looking Couple!

My Favorite Words

"Love is Patient and Kind. it doesn't envy or boast and it's never proud, it's not rude or selfish , it doesn't get angry easily or keep track of wrongs. Love doesn't delight in bad things but it rejoices in the truth. Love Always protects,trusts,hopes, and perseveres.

"Love never Fails"

Corinthians 13.4.8

Mommie and Ayden

Mommie and Ayden
Ayden only has eyes for mommie