They call me Gigi....................

Woo Woo Woo...

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Why can't people just be nice?'s not hard!

Work For me use to be "my World" I would go in around 7:oo am and I never left much before 5:00 p.m or longer. I always had so much work that the day would fly by plus I loved my job. I have grown so much in my job from Day 1. I broke my butt proving to my boss that I was worth promoting. I was promoted about 3 times since I have been there with the $$ to show it. I was happy there! I was the
"Teachers Pet" I knew that and so did everyone else. Denise thought I did no wrong and honestly it made my life at work easy and fun. All my office mates then new this and would tease me all the time. Never did anyone of them show me any kind of bad illness for this, we all got along. Then as the years go by we have had additions enter our department and some of them have been nice and others have just come and gone. These days the ones we have are just so "evil" that you can't understand how or why people treat people this way? I was brought up to respect people because you want the same respect in return, so for me the word Family means respect, the word friends mean respect and I thought the word co-workers meant respect but I was wrong. I now work with people who thrive on hurting other or just thrive on being "#1" no matter how they get there. For me I have tried to be friendly, just nice, or even ignoring these people but they just beat you down. I know I am very sensitive and I have been told that over and over again but for me I just can't understand why people can't just be nice? It boggles MY MIND. I have to work with these people day after day so it is the most stressful kind of pain because it just eats away at your stress level. I go to work each day saying to myself "I am going to ignore these people today and just get on with my day" but then it's 9:oo am and both people have either hurt me in some way or just "Set me off" in some way..It is so exhausting!
Maybe I am sensitive but seeing how I am treated and how others are treated at work by these people I would rather be "Supper Sensitive....any day!


Joyce's Journey said...

Karen I am so sorry you are having to deal with this. I really think you need to just being a little mean. I know that is not like you, but if others think they can push your buttons whenever they want without any repurcussions, they are going to do it. I know that I am a very sweet, kind, loving person, but if you ever want some venom, I can give you words to use that will leave them wondering.

AnneH said...

Karen, I am so sorry to hear you are having such a bad time at work. I know how much you used to love your job. We have to talk and I will give you pointers on how to be mean, not really my nature, butI have been known to speak my mind and be mean. You are too nice a person and I have to help you come over to the other side and be just as cutting as them.

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"Love is Patient and Kind. it doesn't envy or boast and it's never proud, it's not rude or selfish , it doesn't get angry easily or keep track of wrongs. Love doesn't delight in bad things but it rejoices in the truth. Love Always protects,trusts,hopes, and perseveres.

"Love never Fails"

Corinthians 13.4.8

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