They call me Gigi....................

Woo Woo Woo...

Saturday, November 8, 2008

My Dad's's been a hard day

I know this day comes around every year but it still bothers me, and it seems to bother me more and more each year. I guess it's because I miss him so very Much. My Dad was my Rock, he always new what to do. My Dad was the kindness man you could ever meet. He loved to talk about his First Granddaughter Cassandra, he was so proud of her. My Dad, as well as my mom. helped me raise Cassandra. Cassandra respected them both, but with my Dad she was really good with. With my Dad he was never shy about saying I was number one in his life and Cassandra was number two, my brothers always heard that and it never bothered, they would just laugh. Its ashamed that my Niece Katie did not get to know either of her Grandparents, she was a easy "Runner up " for number one. My nephew Ryan at least got to know "Papo" for him that was his special name" Once my mom went so Suddenly my Dad could not go on, his heart was taken with my mom to heaven. His body started to breakdown and he was so ready to go. My dad wanted to be with my Mom. I say I was number one but in reality my Mom was number one, always. They had a special love. I never heard my parents Really fight. Maybe some stern words but never a yell. It broke his heart when Cassandra and I moved to Florida but it was something I had to do at the time. But my Dad was still my hero, any time I had a problem he knew how to fix it., I called him for everything. So, I could go on and on about my Dad but then there would be no end to this blog. I just want to say " Happy Birthday Dad" and I miss you more than you know, because my Dad loved me for who I am, he loved me I loved him!


Joyce's Journey said...

Well, Karen,this brought tears to my eyes as I read this post so I can just imagine the emotions you were feeling as you wrote it. Both you dad and mom are looking down upon you and sending their love and strength to you. Grab onto it - they're trying as hard as they can to still be there for you, but you have to reach out. You were so lucky to have them and they were so blessed with you.

Anonymous said...

Today was another rainy day up here in Jersey. By the time I got out of work it was dark. No conditions to visit Dad. But first thing in the morning, flowers will be placed at the grave. Happy 84th Dad.

AnneH said...

Karen, I too miss both of your parents a great deal. They were my 2nd set of parents. They were very special people and loved you and Cassandra very very much. I was their surrogate daughter when you moved to Florida. Happy b-lated birthday Mr. Maher!!!!

myaliasgigi said...

Thanks Anne- Your were the "2nd Daughter, they just adored you. My father always said we would be best friends for life and I know he was right..

My Dad and Memories

My Dad and Memories

My Dad's WWII Memorial

My Dad's WWII Memorial
In Memory of my Dad


My Little Man

Ayden & Mommie

Ayden & Mommie
Great looking Couple!

My Favorite Words

"Love is Patient and Kind. it doesn't envy or boast and it's never proud, it's not rude or selfish , it doesn't get angry easily or keep track of wrongs. Love doesn't delight in bad things but it rejoices in the truth. Love Always protects,trusts,hopes, and perseveres.

"Love never Fails"

Corinthians 13.4.8

Mommie and Ayden

Mommie and Ayden
Ayden only has eyes for mommie